Game Night


Join us for some games. We will play some party games like one night werewolves, codenames or avalon. We will also organize some food and drinks.

General Assembly

When and where?

On Monday, 4th of December, we will meet for the general assembly of VMI. The event starts at 17:30 and takes place in room G 15.2 in CAB (see map below). During and after the meeting we will have a rich apero. If participants want to further celebrate the successful VMI year 2017, then VMI will sponsor some drinks in bQm afterwards.

Fondue dinner


The time has come to celebrate this dark season with a bubbling pot of yummy cheese. Let us inflate our bellies with a warm coziness and enjoy the company of our fellow VMI-members in a homely atmosphere. You are cordially invited to join the traditional VMI fondue dinner!

Game Night


Join us for some games. We will play some party games like one night werewolves, codenames or avalon. We will also organize some food and drinks.