Random Lunch


The random lunch is a great opportunity to get to know your colleagues all across D-INFK in a friendly atmosphere, to grow your network and to get a fresh perspective on life and work at D-INFK.

General Assembly

When and where?

On Monday, 10th of December, we will meet for the general assembly of VMI. The event starts at 17:30 and takes place in room H 52 in CAB. During the meeting we will have a small apero. Afterwards, VMI will sponsor some drinks in bQm to celebrate the succesful VMI year.

Game Night


Join us for a fun game evening. We will play some party games like one night werewolves, codenames or avalon. We will also organize some drinks, snacks, and ingredients to make some delicious sandwiches.

Summer Retreat 2018 in Text and Pictures

The VMI Summer Retreat 2018 was a full success. 23 participants from all over D-INFK gathered in Fiesch for scientific exchange, networking and to see the beautiful mountain landscape surrounding Europe’s largest glacier.