Virtual Game Night


Join us for a virtual board game night! We will play some party games like one night werewolves, codenames or avalon. Grab some snacks and drinks and join us while we try a variety of online tools to play some games together.

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Snow Time


As part of our Scientific Excellence & Well-Being initiative, we are organizing an excursion into both the snowy outdoors and our brain’s insides.

We will spend 30h in the snow at 2000m above sea level. We will experience the strength and calmness of nature in Winter, learn to to set up a snow camp and build an igloo.

In addition to giving you an active break, the reduction to the essential will give you new perspectives. You will learn to focus on your inside, connect with your body and you will be given time for self-reflection.

When and where?

We meet on Saturday (07.03.20) morning and hike through the snow covered winter landscape to our camp location (TBA). This day we focus on getting to know each other, construction of our snow camp (e.g. caves with igloo like roofs), cooking dinner and spending a cozy evening in the group camp. On Sunday after breakfast, we do some playful group activities, reflect, pack and rejoin civilisation.

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The Power of Habits


As part of our Scientific Excellence & Well-Being initiative, we are excited to announce this talk:

Title: The Power of Habits
Speaker: Radek Daněček

When we watch an inspiring talk or attend a workshop and learn about new techniques to improve our productivity and well-being, we frequently find ourselves unable to bring these ideas into our every-day life. In this talk, we will hear about why it is so important to actively form habits and how we can ensure that our new resolutions last more than a few days or weeks.

Radek is a first year PhD student at Computer Graphics Lab. Apart from his research, he’s also obsessed by personal development. He believes that our success, happiness and productivity levels are highly influenced by our habits (both good and bad) and the discipline and consistency we stick to them.

After the talk, we invite you to join us for a small apero.

When and where?

Tuesday, 18.03.20 at 16:15. Room TBA

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Productivity in Scientific Teams


As part of our Scientific Excellence & Well-Being initiative, we are excited to announce the first talk in this series:

Title: Productivity in Scientific Teams
Speaker: Dr. Anamarija Klaic

Dr. Anamarija Klaic is a postdoctoral researcher in psychology at the University of Zurich. In her PhD, she investigated the productivity of scientific teams and in this talk she will share some of her insights.

After the talk, we invite you to join us for a small apero.

The slides are now available: Slides

When and where?

Wednesday, 12.02.20 at 16:15 in CAB G 51.

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