General Assembly

The scientific staff association (VMI) invites you to the next general assembly. VMI represents the interests of the scientific staff within the decision‐making bodies of the Department, provides information and support to its members and fosters networking and collaboration among members of the scientific staff. We organize the annual D-INFK summer retreat, random lunches and a variety of other social and academic events throughout the year.

When and where?

We meet on Thursday, 17th of December at 17:00 via Zoom to present the work of the past year, discuss plans for 2021 and to elect new representatives and a new board. Please feel free to look at the Agenda and the Minutes from the previous GA.

Update: Presentation & Minutes

Here are the Presentation and the Minutes.

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Take a Break: at Work and at Home


As part of our Scientific Excellence & Well-Being initiative, we are excited to announce this talk:

Title: Take a Break
Speaker: Olga Mineeva

We will discuss ways to take a break during the day in order to recharge yourself.
We will go through the list of activities, useful mobile apps and will practice some relaxation technics. In the end, we will share our experiences what usually works and what doesn’t to learn the best from each other.

Olga Mineeva is a 2nd year PhD student at Biomedical Informatics Group in Department of Computer Science. Her background is in Physics and Data Science. Moving abroad and starting a PhD naturally increased her interest in methods for mental strength and productivity boosting.

After the talk, we invite you to join us for a small apero.

When and where?

Friday, 24.04.20 at 14:00 on Zoom

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Emotional Intelligence - Skills for the New Decade


Well-being is even more important during times where real-world social interactions are rare. The VMI Well-Being & Scientific Excellence initiative consequently extends into the virtual world. Follow with other VMI members the free Search Inside Yourself webinar “Emotional Intelligence: Skills for the New Decade” and join us for a virtual apero right in our Zoom room right after.

Webinar Abstract:

In the face of global crisis, uncertainty, rapid change, and increasing demands, what is the role for the human-focused skills in the workplace? We believe emotional intelligence and mental resiliences are all the more vital right now. Join us for a discussion with SIYLI’s Board members Cecily Mak and Bill Duane on the role of emotional intelligence at work today and in the years to come. The webinar will be hosted by Steph Stern, SIYLI’s Director of Global Expansion, and will include 45 minutes of discussion and 15 minutes for Q&A.

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Current Situation

We hope that you are healthy and starting to settle into your new work-from-home routine. Here are a few ressources from ETH and AVETH to help answer the most common questions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions.