VMI & HAS Hike to Grosser Mythen


Join us for a sceneray hike to the majestic Grosser Mythen. This is a joint hike of HAS and VMI, the Mittelbau associations of the Health Sciences and Technology department and Computerscience Department. Use the 4 walking hours to get to know your fellow PhDs and enjoy some cool beers/drinks at the end of the hike sponsored by VMI.

Escape Quest

When and where?

We meet on Thursday, 4th of May, 2017, at 18:45 at Escape Quest, Titlisstrasse 41, 8032 Zurich.

Spring Board Game Evening

When and where?

We meet on Thursday, 30th of March, 2017, at 18:00 in CAB H 52

Strategy Board Game Evening

When and where?

We meet on Thursday, 23rd of February, 2017, at 18:00 in CAB J 71.6 .