VMI Lunch
With the semester coming to a close soon, it’s time for the next VMI lunch to discuss current topics, upcoming events, ETH politics, and to talk about what VMI is (or should be) doing!
Read more & Sign upGame Night
Join us for a fun game evening. We will play some party games like one night werewolves, codenames or avalon. We will also organize some drinks, snacks, and ingredients to make some delicious sandwiches.
Read more & Sign upWelcome to D-INFK
Do you wonder how you should organize your research and teaching responsibilities? How to meet fellow doctoral students at D-INFK? Do you want to get useful information about doing a PhD at D-INFK, as when and how to write the research plan? Hear about experiences and advice from older PhD students?
These questions and many more will be answered at the 2019 “Welcome to D-INFK” event which you are hereby cordially invited to attend. We especially encourage PhD students who started their PhD within the last year to attend. If there are new PhD students in your group we kindly ask you to tell them about this event.
Read more & Sign upImpressions from the 2019 VMI Summer Retreat
This year, our VMI Summer Retreat took us to beautiful Interlaken! From September 12-15, 2019 we enjoyed a great scientific program, networking and socializing!