
Who is who in VMI (as of October 2024).

Executive Board Members

What is the executive board? The executive board runs all things related to VMI. We organize events such as the summer retreat, are in contact with AVETH and our department to represent you, and run other activities such as the welcome bag distribution.

What is the workload? There is a monthly executive board meeting. Beyond that, the workload can be whatever one wants it to be! If you receive compensation for your work on the executive board, we expect the workload to keep up with that.

Compensation? Work on the executive board can be compensated with teaching points, i.e., work on the executive board can be an alternative to teaching. If you are a doctoral student, you can also be compensated with up to 4 credit points for one year of work.

Department Conference

What is the department conference (DK)? The DK is the executive body of D-INFK and is run by the head of department. Most decisions that affect our department will be voted upon here. Being a representative at the DK is a great opportunity to learn about the politics within academia and how our department is run. The DK comprises a number of representatives: the scientific staff (VMI), students (VIS), lecturers, professors, and administrative staff.

What is the workload? The DK meets four times a year.

Compensation? As a doctoral student, you can earn 1 credit point when attending the DK for one year. (See here).


Backup Representatives

Studies Committee

What is the studies committee (UK)? The UK manages teaching at our department. For example, it discusses course evaluations and decides the course catalog and new courses at D-INFK. The UK comprises representatives for scientific staff (VMI), students (VIS), lecturers, professors, and the director of studies.

What is the workload? The UK meets four times per semester, but meetings are cancelled sometimes should there be no agenda items.

Compensation? As a doctoral student, you can earn 1 credit point when attending the UK for one year. (See here).




The auditors check VMI’s books once per year.

Auditors for the books of 2023:


Volunteers are appointed by the executive board and come with no formal powers, but are a vital part of VMI!