Productivity in Scientific Teams


As part of our Scientific Excellence & Well-Being initiative, we are excited to announce the first talk in this series:

Title: Productivity in Scientific Teams
Speaker: Dr. Anamarija Klaic

Dr. Anamarija Klaic is a postdoctoral researcher in psychology at the University of Zurich. In her PhD, she investigated the productivity of scientific teams and in this talk she will share some of her insights.

After the talk, we invite you to join us for a small apero.

The slides are now available: Slides

When and where?

Wednesday, 12.02.20 at 16:15 in CAB G 51.

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Turn Food into Code


As part of our Scientific Excellence & Well-Being initiative, we are excited to announce this talk:

Title: Turn Food into Code
Speaker: Kasia Kopańska

We are experiencing a cultural shift with an emphasis on wellbeing. Combining personal and professional fulfilment becomes an increasing priority for people everywhere. Food is at the absolute root of our prosperity. We will combine the power of science with the power of the inner wisdom – nutrition with mindfulness. We touch on the following topics:

  • Why do we eat?
    • Why our body needs food?
    • What is the role of food in our emotional life?
    • How is food a medium for a social life?
    • Beyond – spiritual aspects of eating and food?
  • What do we eat?
    • Well-nourished plate – What molecules we need for a healthy body?
    • Vegetarian, flexitarian, whatever-arian – What’s the deal about animal and plant-based diet?
    • Running on stimulants – Why is the western world so crazy about coffee and energy drinks? What does caffeine do to us?
    • More than me – What is the gut microbiome and why it’s important?
  • How do we eat?
    • What is mindful eating and why how is more important than what?
    • Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
    • To snack or not to snack?
    • Food for mood - Why am I tired after a meal? How to optimise your wellbeing with food?

Kasia is a teacher of mindful eating based on Mindful Eating - Conscious Living (ME-CL) program and a biology scientist. She is a qualified teacher of mindfulness-based eating awareness training (MB-EAT). She was trained by Char Wilkins, Jan Chozen Bays, Dr Jean Kristeller, Andrea Liberstein, international experts in ME. Kasia holds a PhD in nutrition from the University of Cambridge.

She founded Nurish Mind to use her multidisciplinary approach with people who struggle with food, emotions, body image, or simply would like to re-discovered eating again and live more consciously. Her methods are based on bringing more perspective through creative playing, scientific education and compassionate support.

After the talk, we invite you to join us for a small apero.

When and where?

Friday, 15.05.20 at 16:15. Room TBA

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Game Night


Join us for a fun game evening. We will play some party games like one night werewolves, codenames or avalon. We will also organize some drinks, snacks, and ingredients to make some delicious sandwiches.

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Public Speaking Workshop


As part of our Scientific Excellence & Well-Being initiative, we are offering Public Speaking Workshops that allow you to refine your skills as a (conference) presenter:

This is an interactive, learning-by-doing oriented workshop to improve presentation and public speaking skills. The focus lies on body language, voice and conveyance of key messages. During two evenings of 3 hours each, you will practice convincing others with your voice and body language. Our program consists of short theoretical inputs and many learning by doing exercises.

You practice in a protected environment of a small group (6 participants). You will receive lots of constructive feedback on how to improve your presentation skills as well as the opportunity to receive video feedback.

The workshops are led experienced speakers from the Rhetorikforum.
Places are limited so sign up soon!

When and where?

This is a two-part workshop taking place on Tuesday, 11.02.20 and on Tuesday, 18.02.20, both times in CAB H 53. Each part will start at 18:30 and run for 3h.

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