Board Game Night


Meet new friends and reconnect with old friends over some fun board games. We’ll bring snacks and a selection of board games to try out - bring your favourites too!

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Super Kondi + Dinner


Join us for ASVZ’s most fun exercise class and dinner together afterwards!

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Welcome Event


Did you recently join ETH as a PhD student or Postdoc? Then you are cordially invited to the Welcome Event for new scientific staff on Thursday, October 6th. The Welcome Event is a great chance to get to know the department and VMI, meet fellow new staff members, and enjoy an apéro together.

We will have separate events for PhDs and Postdocs, happening in parallel, with a joint apéro in CAB food&lab afterwards. We have two great keynote speakers lined up for you, Prof. Markus Püschel and Prof. Kenny Paterson, who will share some insights and give helpful tips on how to make the most of your time at D-INFK.

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Summer Retreat 2022 Retrospective

VMI goes to Interlaken! Our annual summer retreat was back with a double-edition in September 2022. Two groups of 38 scientific staff spent four wonderful days in Interlaken - filled with scientific exchange, socialising and exploring!

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