Well-being is even more important during times where real-world social interactions are rare. The VMI Well-Being & Scientific Excellence initiative consequently extends into the virtual world. Follow with other VMI members the free Search Inside Yourself webinar “Emotional Intelligence: Skills for the New Decade” and join us for a virtual apero right in our Zoom room right after.
Webinar Abstract:
In the face of global crisis, uncertainty, rapid change, and increasing demands, what is the role for the human-focused skills in the workplace? We believe emotional intelligence and mental resiliences are all the more vital right now. Join us for a discussion with SIYLI’s Board members Cecily Mak and Bill Duane on the role of emotional intelligence at work today and in the years to come. The webinar will be hosted by Steph Stern, SIYLI’s Director of Global Expansion, and will include 45 minutes of discussion and 15 minutes for Q&A.
Webinar Speakers:
Cecily Mak is a venture partner at Consensys, which scales blockchain-enabled projects. Her background in technology, media and startups (including Flipboard and Rhapsody International) have given her a perspective on the importance of empowering and advancing talent and using technology for a greater good. Bill Duane went from being an Engineering Manager to the Superintendent of Well Being in his 12 years at Google, supporting the growth of Search Inside Yourself within the organization. Bill Duane continues to focus his work on individual resilience and organizational effectiveness. Cecily and Bill will share their observations from their collective years of experience in business, tech and social impact work.
The Webinar takes place on Thursday, March 26th, 18:00. To participate, sign up and later join the SIY webinar as any participant would: Webinar Sign-up
In addition, VMI provides a dedicated Zoom room for ETH staff to share comments during the webinar and to later have a virtual apero: VMI Zoom.
Please prepare for yourself drinks, dips, and small snacks, such that we can jointly share a virtual moment discussing our ideas about well-being during these particular times.