VMI and VMM, the association for scientific staff at D-MATH, invite you to a joint running dinner in May!
At a running dinner, you team up with a partner (who need not be at D-INFK) to eat a three-course dinner over the evening. You will prepare one of these courses yourself and host it at your or your partner’s place. For the other two courses, you visit other people’s places (hence running (!) dinner). At every course, you will meet new people! The evening will be topped off with an after-party.
This time, you will also get the chance to meet some Doctoral students and Postdocs from the Department of Mathematics!
When and where?
Date: May 13
Time: 18:00-… (the after-party starts at 23:00)
Location: Your flat! The place of the after-party will be announced later.
Sign up and find more detailed instructions here. We raffle grocery-shopping vouchers amongst participants!
Who can participate?
D-INFK and D-MATH members, as well as +1 cooking buddies